New release: 1.0.93 (custom and pre-configured filters)

We have just released a new version of Search Console Helper (1.0.93) with several very cool features.

Keyword filters

It is now possible to save a keyword list as a filter. The filter works on a site level, which means that you can save different keyword list for different websites on your list.

Add/Edit Keyword Filter - new version release

You can use the filter to view sub-sets of your data. For example, you can save a list of branded keywords. This will allow you to quickly view branded versus non-branded keyword data in your Search Console Helper account.

Pre-configured filters

Another important features involved four pre-configured filters, which are available for each website on your list.

Pre-configured Filters

The four filters are:

  • Winners: These are Queries and Pages that experienced the biggest gains in Clicks and Impressions, when comparing the most recent data to the data in the current time interval.
  • Losers: This is the opposite of Winners – Queries and Pages with the biggest losses in Clicks and Impressions, when comparing the most recent data to the data in the current time interval.
  • Off page 1: This filter shows Queries and Pages that dropped off the first page in Google, when comparing the most recent data to the data in the current time interval.
  • Query cannibalization: These are pages that are currently ranking for the same query.

Please download and install the latest version, today!

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